Undertale: Reliable Lies (Fan-game)
3 years ago

Bruh. First I needed to explain why no one can teach me which fan-works I should and should not do, now this. Ok, here we go.

Someone is trying to make a mess because of the choice of words on our Patreon. This post was created to explain the meaning of the Patreon and why we do not sell fan content.

1) This is IGB team Patreon page, not UT-related page. When you make a subscription, you're making a donation to us, not a payment for something. All our fan-content will be in public access anyway. For example, Facing Demons x FNF music was in a early access until some amount of likes under the video. And now everyone can download it freely with no limitation.


We're not trying to scam any of you. This is a Patreon to have at least a chance to survive and make games which we would like.

Take for example UT: Ignited OST. It's not on our Patreon and why? Because the game has an unstable development, we can't promise it will release in near future. In contrary to Ignited, Reliable Lies is almost finished, only coding and some arts left to do. It will take us half a year or such. And it will come out for sure, with no deviations. And after release everyone will get access to free download on official Soundcloud.

2) So-called "early access to games' build" isn't about fan-projects.


You can see "early access to games' build" on tier 5 on Patreon. It's about our original projects which are ALREADY in development. We can't make everything in the one minute, dudes. We're not forcing you to pay us, but your support will greatly help us to continue working for your pleasure. Our fan-content was and will be always free. The difference is *when* it will be free. We will not take money for something we're not sure in enough. Stop this fuss.

3) If 20$ is too much for you, then don't pay. I will not even explain this. It's DONATIONS, you can or you can not do them. You will not be treated differently, everyone in our community is equal. And early access and polls about adding some questionable to us content is a gift for you faith in us. It gives you no right to force us into something or making us obliged to you as well. The point is that you're comparing us to Dorked or Cami, but judging only from Gamejolt page where is, indeed, for now only UT related games. But it doesn't mean we're not working on original content. On the contrary, we are working and it takes us a lot of efforts and money. That's why donations were opened for the first case. If you think that *we* are stupid enough or that we think *you* are stupid so we can scam you, it's nothing like that. We absolutely understand the gravity of the situation, but until we know that everything is in order, you can't fear us with some legal deals.

As the closing statement let me quote lines from Hamilton the Musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda.

You sent the dogs after my scent, that’s fine
Yes, I have reasons for shame
But I have not committed treason and sullied my good name
As you can see I have done nothing to provoke legal action
Are my answers to your satisfaction?



Next up

Some ordinary progress report.

- Script is almost written

- Sprites are almost done

- Coding none

- Music is finished

- Sans is dying gay

- Hotel Trivago



Hey-hey, did we scare you?

New patch is available!

Ars#9807 is now working on attack patterns. To say more, he has completed full 1 phase's patterns! Don't mind visual and engine, it's just testroom for following implementing into game.

How creators of recent call-out post expected us to react: "DAMN UNDERTALE COMMUNITY, THEY OVERPLAYED US. WE ARE TERRIBLY SORRY, WE WILL QUIT RIGHT NOW!" but...

Where have we been? // Underparty x Underevent Game Jam Results

Estimated length of the game, I believe, +-hour Well, unless you want to skip everything, then of course it will be shorter

What the hell is UnderEvent anyway? Better wait for UT:Ignited Demo as Matthew does

Bro @apricoskaart , you literally posted a meme from Discord and then said "mocking post", bro. Then ur entire speech culture is mocking, what do you even mean by that, meme king. How about u mind your own games and don't peek in our server as a coward?