A Light in the Night
8 years ago

Bug Fixes Announcement

Hey again. I’m not gonna write a long four-paragraph essay here. I’m just here to make another announcement, even though I said I won’t make anymore news posts.
So I replayed the entire game, I noticed there were some few minor bugs.

  • In level 3 (when you choose YES), the narrative text says something about this thing being locked. That’s NOT the text it’s supposed to display. (yeah, I screwed up this time :P )

  • One jumpscare animation slightly glitches out of the screen.

  • The final level is kind of… hard…???? (if you beat that level, kudos to you.)

  • Pressing the key will open a debug window.

I’m going to fix the game TODAY and reupload it as soon as possible.
The current release will update to 1.1 with the bug fixes listed above.

K, that’s all. Thanks for sticking around!



Next up

part2 12/31/16


look at what you've done

Classic Survival stuff

"The fear is crippling you."

found the machine

part2 12/16/16