Bug report: i just open the game for try it out (i didn't even start a new safe file) and most stuff is already unlocked
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I was thinking about some future project after Crunchers this is just a concept for the future
And the second good news is that we finished the art for the office we need to add just some stuff and then when @LurkerIndie new mouse arrive we are goin to code it
For now it all
See you all in the flipside
Mark Your Calendars! CRUNCHER'S is set for a March 1st release
I want to quickly thank everyone for makin us on the top hot fnaf fangame we are doing our possible to make the game very good later today im goin to make a little surprise for this
IT'S OUT!!!!!!!!!
So today i was doing some reaserches and i found a aplaying for a job so i decide to try it for sure nothing can go wrong.
Fnaf project coming soon and no is not a jolly fangame
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Message from Slimie (feel free to ask more questions in comments)
Coming soon
(probably this year)