11 days ago

Buhh I like to yap about the personality clusters but my irl friends aren’t as into mental health as I am,,

I really like researching the Cluster Bs [The dramatic and unpredictable cluster], it’s my fav ones to research 

But the one that annoys me the most to explain are the Cluster Cs [the Nervous and Anxious cluster] not because I dislike it but because people assume way to quickly by name about the disorders, especially Avoidant Personality Disorder. When I say the name almost everyone I’ve said it to has been like “oh I have that I hate people I don’t want people to talk to me misanthropy bullshit” when that’s NOT what AVPD is, it’s the opposite actually they wanna be liked so badly they’re afraid to do anything out of fear of rejection and embarrassment jeindke
And Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder my god how many people confuse it with OCD,, ughhhshhshs

Most people’s assumptions about OCD most likely come from OCPD and a misunderstanding of the compulsive ritualistic behaviors, as people with OCPD focus so much on something being perfect that almost all the time they never end up finishing it, sometimes they never even start it. They want everything to be done their way and is very hesitant when someone recommends a different, creative way. People with OCPD are also “pack rats” and have a bunch of reading materials and are most likely hoarders because “you never know when you’ll need it”. They’re very hesitant to take breaks and if they do get one they have to have something to work on.

I feel like describing Histrionic Personality Disorder can lead to people thinking that everyone who is attention seeking have HPD when HPD is the rarest of the Cluster Bs,, so I have to tread very carefully whenever describing it so people don’t make the misconception,,



Next up


I had to miss therapy I’m still upset about that,,

I have to start documenting my acute episodes to see how long my remission episodes are cause it could change by diagnosis from Schizoaffective disorder to Schizophreniform disorder,,

Attempting to write without my ADHD meds is a huge struggle I now remember why I was prescribed them it’s been almost two hours and I’ve only written like 2 sentences,,

But I’m gonna be writing the whole day, maybe I will take my ADHD meds,,

Ow my Covid is causing me problems I’m still not fully healed now my stomach fucking hurts thanks to it thanks covid I appreciate it sooo much /sarc

Anyways Robbie, from the last drawing but he has his body,,

I draw too much of Robbie

I didn’t know what position to but Dyson in Alr I was running out of space

I’ve learned my lesson I’m never eating black frosting again bud

Also the reason why most of my drawings are sketches are cause they are anatomy practices

Since are posts finally work now here’s the Sisyphus shirt, how fitting that we were taking about him in my ELA class❕

I like it :]]

I didn’t get dress coded when I wore the other shirt let’s see if I’ll get dress coded for this one

Ughhshhs I’m getting stumped on the convos I’m not good at writing conversations ughhhhshhsbdh this is gonna take so fucking longgg

A new creature has been chained to my bag

I really wish they had made one of Esau I would have gotten him too,,

Also I’m rambling about the personality clusters to my friend and so far it’s 3 google doc pages long and I’m not even halfway done with it :]]

Is the is how you write natural dialogue

I want this to not seem robotic or anything but at the same time I don’t want it to be cringey cause I’m sure we have to present these, I dont wanna present ughhhshs

I have to write a whole convo ughhshs

Gonna go insane if my school decides to play cocomelon over the speakers during passing time tmmr

They played wheels on the bus, and didn’t even cut out the intro, they played the whole entire video

I’m gonna go insane this school likes to mess with us,,

Would you let him yap

Man I both like doing this style but also feel weird about it idk,,