A Cold Christmas at Nave
7 years ago

Build Aluminium (v0.13) and Summary of The Game.

Build Aluminium || v0.13

v0.13, The Finale Update (aka. The Virus Infected Update) is an update to ACCaN, during the time the game came to this version, a virus somehow infected almost all of my .exe files.

Due to the game being almost completed and due to the viruses that infect my files, Build Aluminium || v0.13 versions were removed from the Internet and everywhere including my computer.

In the end, the game is actually about 98% completed, just waiting for Nick’s voice acting and it’s completed.

It should be out between 5-5-2017 to 19-5-2017.

Summary of the game

This is a project by me in the mid-December of 2016, where you control a boy (Sidney) who has powers to transform himself - It’s Morphin’ Time! XD - into an animal (I don’t know… a cat?).

Since this game has eerie atmospheres and Spoops wanted me to make a horror game (Because he made Stranger), I decided to make it into a serious horror game (Yes, the initial project is nonsensical and meme filled).

I got rid of Sidney’s “Morphin’ Powers” and started to bring in the horror… although the graphics are ranging from average to terrible.

The project was originally going to launch in December 25 to celebrate Christmas. But making a horror game is way much longer than I thought, I managed to make only 19 levels before Christmas, delaying the project has to March and due to school problems, it needs to delay even further.

In February of 2017, Nick and Ottotinne helped me on the game for some aspects and this game was officially made under the Nithriotto Games title.

This game contains rich atmospheres and sometimes giving tension or terror which I really liked. But the graphics are average (To me, it’s terrible).

Talking about the graphics… they are not really that good, it’s more of uhm… cartoonish. The next game I made, will feature better graphics and more realistic characters.

The protagonist is Four, (but, not really the “Four” you know in this game).

That’s all can say to you… for now…
Be sure to be vigilant! The game may released anytime in 5th of May to 19th of May, 2017! (That is… if Nick doesn’t fail this game… XD )



Next up

Rituals of the undone... Statues of the unknown... Spirits of the undead... Candles of the unlit...

What's in the sack?

Someone from The Search For a Colour Palette is going to make an appearance in Lukewarm Massacre 2! (W.I.P; nothing is final)

Artwork for Lukewarm Massacre 2

Feeling lucky? Try rolling a 20 in a d20.

Update on Lukewarm Massacre 2

Nick and I were having massive beef steak again...

Here, the screen tint and the intensity of the darkness are based on the distance between you and the torch.

More teasers for you guys!

Here's another teaser for you all. For Lukewarm Massacre 2.