Dragon Ball Ztrategy

1 year ago

Bulma doesn't seem like a useful character in the surface, but her supportive capabilities are unparalleled. She's even able to refresh an ally's actions!



Next up

Freeza is a formidable opponent. Each phase has a unique technique and statspread, so each phase will require a completely different strategy to take out effectively.

Preliminary version of Chapter 11.

i made this.

Development on the game has resumed! Here, have a Future Trunks stats screen.

Chapter 7 is done for the most part. Here's a peek.

The Androids vibing.

Each Fighter has their own set of unique skills which you can use to your advantage. Most are triggered when initiating combat, emphasizing aggressive strategies.

Everyone's favorite bug is vibing.

The Ginyu Force lands on Namek! Chapter 5 will be all about defeating them, each with their own power gimmick. Hopefully this will make them more interesting to take down.