1 year ago

Can I be Brutally Honest with you Guys?

I don't feel like drawing, hell I don't feel like anything, I feel locked to a specific schedule with no free will, just repeating the same cycle, making art that is mediocre at best, posting 2 or 3 of those a day, rinse and repeat. Nothing changes. I'm only going to draw when I want to from now on, so expect many less posts, I'll still be online, I'll still be here to talk with and such, but I'm not going to draw unless I want to. I'm deeply sorry, but I just think this is for the better. Maybe I'll go back to my normal...y'know what? No. I'm only going to post when I want to now. With that, see ya later! Whenever that may be.

(I'll probably still post at least 4 times a week btw)



Next up

Frames for an Upcoming Animation

The Creechur

Why I haven't been Posting Art Lately:

Remember when I said I would Revamp Jumpman.rom?

Some Sketches I'll Never Finish


Plagiarism (Blubber #Joltsides)