1 year ago

can someone make something cool out of these icons for a profile picture, im horrible at art

also here are my stats while I’m here




Next up

someone please help i have no idea what this bug is

my obs is a little weird so it doesn't run full fps


also break the rules and do what you might ask? You'll find out in due time, don't worry

flowing water located near the source known as "nazareth" thirty two percent complete

2nd most % i have on an extreme btw (most is 43 on congregation. don't ask)

y'all like duals?

thanatophobia FREE FROM MINDBLOCK% (or 71% if you're boring)

i have been stuck at 64 for 2, maybe 3 weeks now, but we are finally free

the end is in sight everyone, all that's left is to reach it

is this good enough?

what boredom does to a mfer

Boss Attempt #3

I was going for an Ant Design But it turned out to be a Spider



1 1/3 months, 7939 attempts, 1 level

absolutely AMAZING level, only issues I had we're some clicks (like 11 and 36) are stupid and also 54-64 is AWFUL gameplay wise. But still a 7.5/10 imo