4 years ago

Can't sleep... So here are some updates:

I started working with a friendo on something that will completely change PI's pace, something I always wanted to integrate, small pieces of the puzzle that I think will give the game a big boost in terms of story.


Hah you though I was going to show it? Nah come on this is some high level secrecy stuff

Exams start in 2 days. It's gonna be tough... I won't work on anything related to personal projects so there won't progress to be documented.

That's all for now, take care :)



Next up

Posts inside a post... so trippy

I'm working on an OFFICIAL website for PYRO-ILLUSION with tons of content! I need your help with the #FAQ section!

Soo... go ahead ask anything interesting (or fun) that is relevant in the comments below!

If you see your name here, you're officially insane...

Thanks a lot for everyone who has been supporting me extensively with charged stickers, it really means a lot!

I have something really cool in mind for PI, to reward all of those who contributed

"Eyes that always watch" #pyroIllusion #fnaf #short

This stuff is insane, I'm realizing all the control you have over the instrument (glide, stay on a specific string, etc...)

I hope you've all collected the Pyro-Illusion character stickers, 'cause now it's time to stock your inventory with accessories!

Grab and place 6 official Roxy's accessories onto the characters and create your own unique combos and styles! :)

Slap wip

I've got this in my backpack, Dragon Music #2 remake!

Original (0:00, a portion), and new remake (from 0:22). The old one had a cool vibe, but the new one is so much more pumped and more like an actual OST

#pyroIllusion #ost

Fan art of Truddy from Pyro-Illusion / Five Nights at Roxy’s!! This was really fun! I love the designs from P.I. So much, heck, I love everything about P.I. so far!!

App used: IbisPaintx

Device: phone

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Major news coming soon

I am setting up a publicly accessible Development Page for Pyro-Illusion, which features the project's roadmap, development status, etc...