7 months ago

Can we get a Doom art weeklies theme please?



Next up

Not me being egotistical with my channel names…

New song! This was an entry I made to Battle of the Bits Spring Tracks XIII.



Vote for the track here:


@rusty_the_raccoon reminded me I haven’t done a crappost dump in a while, here’s this

It's time for some new themes!

May The 4th Be With You (Make a Fanart of Star Wars!)

Star Wars OC (make a character based on Star Wars!)

Nobody's Perfect (Make an artistic depiction of human fallibility)

(Artwork provided by @LUKELCS !)

This made me snort when I read this

Lord Vader decides to delete his Minecraft world

Made in Blender.

#StarWarsArt #FanArtFriday #ArtWeeklies #Minecraft #Blender #Animation #3D #3DArt #DeathStar #Space

I’m a little late on this bit of news (that’s what I get for not checking my socials, but I thought I’d share anyways.

m0d, the creator of the major demoscene forum The Mod Archive, died the other day.

The Knight


My Art Weeklies submission for the week. "Redraw/Remake an older artwork/piece"

Imma be honest, this little thing has been really fun the last few months.

Of course, if we’re talking consoles I grew up playing, the Wii takes it.
