3 years ago


I'm sorry to say, but I am cancelling this project. I am just not interested in making this game anymore. Maybe in the future I will come back to this, but for rn, I am working on a new project. I cannot say much about it, but its there, and its going to be a game changer. No pun intended. In the future I will update you guys on this "game" I'm working on. If you want to see more of my work, consider following my profile

This is Javaleo. Out.



Next up

Hey all. First post for the game. Here is what the default egg for this game looks like.

doodles of some clone high characters


A new enemy in Moo Moo Martians that ruins farm tiles if you don't scare it fast enough!

Follow the game page if you want more updates!

My first attempt at 3d modeling, with a splash of my pixel art for texturing. Used blockbench and aseprite to make this happen. Cheers!

some concept art for a game idea with fighting robots

Hey guys, done with the mock shop. Follow if you like what im doing pls!

Oh! I should also mention this game is made with only 4 colors!

sprite designs for my Tamagotchi themed game. Note: These are early in development, and it is hard to show the curves of an egg with such a small area. Please mind the "hand" that is at the corner. Follow the game page if you want to see more!

Buff Farmer Tucus

To make up for my lack of updates here's a sneak peek of what the menu may look like. Also sorry about how the gif is playing. idk why but ill fix it