
4 days ago

CANCERTALE Devlog#2 - July 2024

Welcome to our new devlog! First of all I wanna than you all for 36 followers!!! 🗣️🔥 Even if it's not a big number for us it's already a lot!


We've been working on reworking on the intro of the game,gameplay, achievements,online... That's right you heard it! ONLINE



On the settings you will be able to open the Online section where you will be able to login and insert your Gamejolt's Username & Game Token. After doing that so you can Save n' Load files in the cloud! Obviously you will be able to select what file to save and in what slot to load... Oh right I forgot to mention! If u didn't know and didn't see previous posts you can use 3 save files!!


Apart of storing files we may add something even more interesting... 🤔



^ Image is a test one so won't be final at all nuh uh!

We have been cooking up some achievements and we also already added an UI for when u achieve one. We will add a ton of achievements some challenging like fighting a super duper secret boss and others that you can get easily by just standing 2 minutes on the screen- (real) [actuallt why not hours ^^]



As I said earlier we are reworking our intro to make it more high quality than ever! "Don't In Please Go"? Non-sense gibberish smh smh.

Jokes aside shotout to @Superheka for it! 👏 We may showcase more part of it in our discord server so join if ya truly care about teasers.



We also got two kind of difficulty modes that will change the gameplay given to the player not only on difficulty but also content! Even tho yk what mode I'll suggest unless you are skilled for Delta one...(What is this Deltarune Ribbit reference???)


We will continue working on this as much as we can but I would also ask people to DM me on discord (jet_ski7) because we are in URGENTLY need of spriters for the game. In fact soon I will post a message for it cuz we seriously need spriters I swear.


I also wanted to tell you to go follow Undertale Dead Man Walking by @TDSans-2 since I'm currently working on something specil for it!

And also check on @chqh_03 fangames cuz they are so cool frfr (they also looking for spriters!)

And... @THE-GREAT-OMAR who's cooking about an original swap take!

Ok it's enough for today!

Farewell guys!




Next up

We are actively working in Overworld stuff as our beloved Director @DeltaFunnyNumber made the dialogues for the Pre-Ruined encounter with Cap. Here these are some sprites of Mag waking up after falling down!

Just did a drawing of Cap from Cancertale. 🎩

As I said previously almost all of us are currently busy so we'll halt development for a month! I already worked on the Menu design and we already got a new theme for it but we'll show all the progress we did so far next month or so in a devlog!

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0: Starlight Isles Coming January 20 @ 3:30 PM EST

Summer is coming and with it also progress! Soon I will continue working on CT and also other projects. @Superheka is revamping the intro sprites so I will also improve it with my new coding skills. Make sure to check the game page!

Dev Update - December 2023

This devlog is based for the development of Cancertale more-so than an introduction.

Guess who got all the trophies. 😨


The final boss is going pretty well so after the release (which is 1st April) of it we'll finally work in Nobody's first encounter and add more Overwordl stuff!

Shootout to @Superheka for the sprite 🗣️