Candy’s 2 Progress Notes:
Majorly changed Candy, Cindy, and Blank
Candy: Side-specific, but he picks sides in random and you must flash him before luring him away.
Cindy: She will keep switching sides in the top cameras until she stops. and then she’ll progress closer to you in the cameras, Lure her backwards to push her back.
Blank: Stare at him in the cameras to prevent his hallway entry. He will switch cameras after being watched for two seconds. If his stare timer reaches zero, he’ll enter the hallway, and his distance depends on where he was in the cameras based on distance. Flash him six times to make him return back to the cameras.
Partially fixed a lighting issue with the lighting on the racks and the enemies in front of it.
Nerfed penguin by 0.1 second.
Rat & Cat Theater is on the works!
Candy’s 3 Patch Notes:
Fixed the gamejolt trophy check issue. Sorry guys.