Rat vs the World: The Game
27 days ago

Challenges and improvements!!!! Weekly news

Hello everyone, here is the light news for this week.


Firstly I have been working on a design for the main menu, I think the one I have is the possible final one so I could finish with it.


Old Menu


New Menu (The rat moves like a DVD logo)


The next news is that I am still working on enemies for zone 3, I wanted to make enemies with unique abilities, and that is what has slowed me down quite a bit in development.

That is why I decided that apart from one or another, the other enemies will also be basic for a better understanding.


I have also been working on challenges to play. Currently 2 have already been added, and their menu to play them. Here I explain its mechanics.



--The F-Bomb-- (DONE)

Complete stage 1 only using bombs to kill the enemies.

--Just you and me-- (DONE)

Complete Stage 1 with only one life and no possibility of getting more hearts.

--The Grand Finale 1--(DONE)

Complete the first boss with only one life without the possibility of getting more

--The Grand Finale 2--

Complete the second Boss with only one life and no chance of getting more.


Those are all the news for this week, some final arrangements need to be made, but with the challenges the minutes of play are already increasing. Currently, going through everything can take you approximately one hour.

I know it doesn't seem like much, but it's just completing the basics to be able to increase the hours of play even more.

I hope you like these news, see you in the next few weeks



Next up

New Update


No weekly news this Friday


New BIG Version On The Way!!!

I found a CRT effect that I think looks very cool with the game, I think I'll leave it for the final version.

Presenting... NEW GAME FOR PSP AND OTHERS!!!!!


Surprise! (I Think)

I have already added showtime and improved many graphics There is also the warning (in Spanish)

The Factory (Another Update)