5 days ago

changed the name from survival 100 days to Catventure give me your thoughts about the new name

  1 vote 1 day left



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@LittleBlueGamer what is this (a screenshot of the entire window)

mibcheal f***ed my project

ok so started working on a programming language called nexcode with is scratch code but you have to type it

wait how the f*** does he have 3 followers when his only followers are @LittleBlueGamer and me

pls follow my bff @RpgNotABean and he will not be so active because he made a gamejolt acc because….. because………………………………….. i f***ing forgot ok

wtf is wrong with people these days

ok so i added a entitys and a boss to survival 100 days (forgot to save the game so that is why the player cant get hurt with the fireball)

Made a LBG keyboard in facemoji

IDK what the f*** lgbt is so im good with it… i guess i mean I DONT KNOW WHAT F*** IT IS