Nuclear Drifter

4 years ago

Changelog - Alpha 0.8

The new Alfa 0.8 was released on August 8, 2021. This is an update that adds some new features. Here is the list of changes:

- adding the last level - Subway scene is not yet completed. There are only 2 subway stations ,

- adding 2 new missions "Find uranium deposits on the continent" (can't be completed), "Lighter for Finn",

- added a frying pan item

- added possibility to roast meat on campfire if you have a frying pan and it is between 8pm and 4am,

- changed text on "Tip" button to "Ammo Tip",

- added information how much does 10 bullets for a given ammo cost after clicking with magnifying glass in the store offer

- changed shotgun sprite and improved graphics of other guns

- changed the color of rotten meat to full green and improved the sprite of roasted meat

- changed the information sign at the gun store and the hospital.

- increased the player movement speed from 1.5 to 1.8

- added a dialogue box after clicking the "Save" and "Load" buttons - "Are you sure you want to save/load the game".

- decreased the amount of cash rewards for the missions "Get rid of the Bandits from the North", "Bring the package to Ashemo", "20 packs of cigarettes for Joshua" and "Find a vase by one of the strange statues"

- adding a critical shot mechanic (random shot deals double damage)

- added Reputation in the US Army

- adding displaying information about the toucan after clicking on it with magnifying glass

- decreasing machete damage from 30 to 25 points

- increased Glock damage from 20 to 30 points

Old savegames don't work, you have to start the game from scratch. In future updates, the saves will also not work.

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Next up

Changelog - Alpha 0.7

Radioactive zone

Game available on steam

Changelog - Alpha 0.6

Changelog - Alpha 0.5

The second type of NPCs - with dialogue options

Interaction with the chest

The first type of NPC - Background NPC

Devlog Beta 1.1 (18 March 2020)

Watown - the largest settlement in Old Zealand