Grayish World | Revise Two

3 years ago

Changelog : V.0.1.3

Changelog : V.0.1.3

- The GJCD Launcher is made some Changes

- The Gamejolt API is nowhere! It will be used for the future Update

- You can now Log-in to change your IGN in this Game

- You can be saved your username and token by pressing "Saved info" before pressing log-in.

- It will lead to default PC Name if you are Offline Player

- Made some small fix bug that no need to say in Changelog

- Made some small changes that no need to say in Changelog

Note : This is a Sandbox build for testing and Debugging. Most features are missing or unfinished.

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Into the Mid-Rift by Mikeonut (October 1st)

Grayish World V.0.2.54-R2-PRA

GoJohnCarloDev Studio, April 25th, 2022

The spline chart of the Grayish World Project.

September 2021

Changelog : V0.2.50-R2-PRA

Grayish World V.0.2.53-R2-PRA

After the voting of this Feature "Controller Support"

Sadly, The Voting got 0 Vote. And I will not apply this Control Support for the Current Game Development "Grayish World".

Thanks for your support and time for my works.

Student, Developed by : PJC2ADeveloper, GoJohnCarloDev Studio.

Sorry for waiting.