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I'm making a bizarre indie RPG called Cat Powered UFO
This video is about licking a giant mushroom and the visual effects that it causes.
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An interesting idea for a map in my game "Cat Powered UFO".
Would you like video updates on what I've been working on?
Please comment and tell me! If even a few people would watch these I would make them regularly.
New ability added to Cat Powered UFO! I'd love for you to play it and give me some feedback!
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A Remake of Cat Powered UFO is coming to Steam! Hopefully by early next year. New graphics and new gameplay!
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An interesting idea for a map in my game "Cat Powered UFO".
Would you like video updates on what I've been working on?
Please comment and tell me! If even a few people would watch these I would make them regularly.
Making a new minigame for Cat Powered UFO!
Eat the brains of a doughnut-headed policeman.
Play the game! I'd love to hear your feedback! -
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The game I'm speaking of throughout this video is Cat Powered UFO!
Check it out here! -
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Who would have thought that just a few items could create so many combinations and sprites?
Was it worth it? I think so!
Play the game here! -
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Hey there! Is anyone interested in playtesting Cat Powered UFO?
Hit me up and we can work something out!
Also, I've been updating some screenshots for Cat Powered UFO, have a gander!
This is my new sprite for the UFO in "Cat Powered UFO" What do you think?