Daris Venture (Sonic Fan-Game)
2 years ago

Changing some animations... Again
But i`m don`t show them to you
Here`s some *VINE BOOM*



Next up

After a long time "Lost Media" was returned. Beta Framework 1D was back to the GameJolt and now was a part for main page. Avanable only android and online versions.

It`s a good news, i guest?

If you say about "this game is piece of shit", I say: I know.

5 days left before SAGE 2023

Original escape themes is here! Thanks to @calebius We are so close and close with every day to Demo 1!

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Begin of Act 2

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Some kind of news, yeah! Finally!

Demo 2, or how I call it Egged Up (try to guess what the source of name) is on progress.

First zone is finished at 50%. It's not much, but it's at least a great start point. Soon I will finish it.

Stay here for more news

The Noise Update 1D

quick pixels 2 - sonic the hedgehog

: Aseprite