Gamejolt Fighters
8 months ago

Chapter 2 is about 25-30% done

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Here’s a new teaser image for chapter 2! Enjoy 😆

Week 8 at home:

Original on ytube

Here’s a teaser trailer for gamejolt fighters enjoy!

The Cool Slime. He's normal, basic, and unique. He's a new enemy

New enemy. The Cry Moai. It's a boss. He is in a hell of his own making.

Thank you so much for 100 followers on gamejolt fighters this is such a big achievement for me. Trust me gamejolt fighters is going to be a good game! Thank you for your continued support

Like 10 seconds of goofy memes

Original on ytube

Only 25 more followers then I have 3000

Me after watching YouTube kids

The game overs screen. The numbers mean something.