3 years ago

chapter 2

Mickey mouse by @AsexualDoge and @DakotatheHedgehog

Oswald:wait a minute why didn't you bring gubbles with you?

Mickey: .....Shit I forgot...

Oswald:Wait... Pete is a cat

Mickey: Yeah, what about it?

Oswald: and gubbles is a fish

Mickey: wait... cats eat fish and stuff I think... shit.

Oswald: Max call an Uber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey: wait whos ma-

Oswald: Goofy's son

Mickey: oh right..

[ minutes later ]

[ door opens loudly ]

Max: put down the f#cking fish

Mickey: ...

Pete: we got the fish in the divorce f#ck you

Mickey: Pete give me the fucking fish.

Max: we're trying to eat at copyrighted by the Walt Disney Company you'd be sued to the Moon if anyone finds out about this no one has to know if you just give us the fish

Pete: find take the freaking fish but you might want to worry about your rabbit friend on the floor

Max: oh fu-

Oswald: *having a mental breakdown intensifies*

Mickey: oswald!?

Mickey: What's wrong!?

Max: after being taken away from Disney by a contract saying he has had a life crushing phobia of anything to do with legal paperwork

Mickey: Oh....

Max: you mind carrying him?

Mickey: Yeah sure...

[ Mickey picks up Oswald ]

Max: let's go home

Mickey: All right..

Max: okay now that were home I guess we just have to chill

Mickey: Yeah.

[ The doorbell rings ]

Max: i'll get it

Mickey: Alright

*door opens to reveal Mickey's old horse friend Tanglefoot*

Max:oh sorry Tanglefoot Oswald is out cool

Mickey: Wait what...?

Mickey: I feel like I heard that name before...

Tanglefoot: okay, wait a minute Mickey?!

Mickey: tanglefoot!?

Tanglefoot: dude what are you doing here

Mickey; I had to live with Oswald..

Tanglefoot: but you have a home with Minnie?

Mickey: She took the whole house...

Tanglefoot: hol up a minute does that mean you got a divorce

Mickey: Yeah..

Tanglefoot: oh dang but couldn't you stay with Donald or Goofy

Mickey: ....

Max: ..............................

[ Mickey almost starts crying ]

Tanglefoot: oh god what happened

Mickey: T-They...

Mickey: ..

[ Mickey starts to tear up ]

Max: Donald got brain cancer and my dad died in a car accident......................................

Tanglefoot: Oh God I'm so sorry..

[ ... ]

Tanglefoot: by the way I was evicted I think I might have to move in with you guys

Mickey: That's fine..

Max: you know this kind of looks like a cast of a TV show

Mickey: Maybe he could possibly join us..?

Max: you know if we got Daisy we can probably just keep the show running yeah it would be really different but it would still be the show

Mickey: Yeah... great idea..

Max: we should probably check in on Daisy

Mickey: Alright, let's go.

[ they go to Daisy's ]

Daisy: God I need another beer

[ knock ]

Max: ummmmmm I don't think that's a good idea

Mickey: Ehm...

Daisy: oh God you again f#ck off

Mickey: Okay then...-

Daisy: wait Mickey?!

Mickey: ...?

Daisy: I thought it was just max coming in to check again

Mickey: Oh... uh..

Daisy: want a beer?- oh who am I kidding we both need f#king vodka

Mickey: Uhm.... no thank you..

Daisy: why? oh yeah, you probably still have Minnie..

Mickey: I don't...-

Daisy: but she still alive, she at least declined my invite to come over yesterday

Mickey: We got divorced..

Daisy: but she literally said and I quote "I'm staying at home with my bae"

Mickey: That probably means she's with Pete.

Daisy: ayo what the f#ck

Mickey: Yeah, she cheated on me-..

Daisy: great first my husband dies and now I find out my best friend is a lying piece of sh&t

Mickey: *Sigh* Yeah... I'm sorry about Donald by the way..

Daisy: he didn't even tell me about the tumour.......................

Mickey: ...

Mickey: He did tell me tho..

Daisy: and I'm probably going to get evicted because we don't have the show to make money anymore, cause who's going to want just like for characters

Mickey: I mean, me and Max are planning to keep the show going somehow...

Daisy: we have so much to do I'm in I need money somehow..

Mickey: I know..

Mickey: But we need to figure out something somehow..

Daisy: the marketing team will do anything to continue the show

Mickey: hm..

Max: all we need to do now is ask Mom

Mickey: Yeah.

Mickey: Then we can possibly keep the show going on

Daisy: She actually moved in with me she got evicted after she couldn't pay her rent

Mickey: Oh..

Max: what the f#ck

Annabelle: Daisy get me another vodka

Mickey: She's drinking as well...!?

Max: m-mom...?

Mickey: Oh shit...

Annabelle: are you guys going to start up the show again cause if you are I'm in.

Mickey: Yeah.

Mickey: We are trying to

Max: I'll go talk to the marketing team

Mickey: Alright.

*after talking to the marketing team*

Max: they're adding Minnie and Pete to the show I couldn't stop them

Mickey: *Sigh* this might not end well

Max: Yeah, but it's the only way we're going to make money

Mickey: I know...

Max: at least they're letting us bring back the steamboat company

Mickey: Yeah

TBC in the next chapter

1 comment


Next up

how wonderful

It's been a while since I drew fnf so why not draw carol and whitty 😋

hi welcome to the easter special

by me and @Mr_noreason

also no this is not chapter 3

Some random ass ships people suggested on tiktok

asshole and dipshit

i edit my friends cat into fnaf.