4 years ago

Character: Andrew Briction


Name: Andrew Briction

Bio: Andrew Briction is a 21 year old Andrian who is a cool, smart (but not as smart as Yanik Velocity), but sometimes depressed plumber and carpenter. He aids Eric Velocity, Yanik Velocity, Berat Velocity, and Gabriel Leroux.

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Andrian

Personality: cool, smart (but not as smart as Yanik Velocity), but sometimes depressed

Good/Neutral/Evil: Good

Choosing a color sceme for Andrew Briction was a hard task just like choosing a color sceme for Gabriel Leroux.

Also made versions of him without his glasses, without his cap, and without his glasses, and cap.



Next up

Drew my character, Andrew, on the same paper featuring my other characters, Eric and Yannik.

Made new vector sprites of Eric Velocity and Yanik Velocity, based on their newest design(s).

What do you think?

Redesigned Andrew's keychain-plush-like design, again.

Made a new design for Berat! What does it remind you of?

Made yet another new design for Berat! What does it remind you of?

Made another new design for Berat! What does it remind you of?

Redesigned Andrew's keychain-plush-like design.

Updated some spritesheets, even if they claim to be finalized, again.

The green "?" is the placeholder for Berat's design. How would Berat's new design look?

Finished Andrew's head, and changed the shade of his dungarees (and his surname).