10 months ago

chat GPT is hysterical


The dude above this text is stickee, now look below.

Name: Stickee

Appearance: Stickee is a whimsical and slightly mischievous creature who stands at about three feet tall. Their body is covered in a velvety, iridescent green fur that glistens in the sunlight. They have a round, pudgy form with short limbs and a long, prehensile tail. Stickee's eyes are large and expressive, featuring vibrant, ever-changing colors that reflect their emotions. They have a pair of tiny, translucent wings on their back, too small for actual flight but useful for balance and gliding short distances.

Personality: Stickee is known for their boundless curiosity and a knack for getting into amusing predicaments. They are a social and friendly creature, always eager to make new friends and share in the excitement of exploration. Stickee has a keen sense of humor, often finding humor in the ordinary and mundane aspects of life. They have an adventurous spirit and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, making them the perfect companion for those seeking new experiences.


  1. Adhesive Touch: Stickee possesses the unique ability to temporarily stick to surfaces, enabling them to climb walls, hang upside down, or sneak up on unsuspecting friends and foes alike.

  2. Emotionally Reflective Eyes: Stickee's eyes change color and pattern based on their mood. This allows them to communicate their feelings, even when they can't find the right words.

  3. Glide: While they can't fly, Stickee's small wings allow them to glide short distances, which comes in handy during their explorations and playful adventures.

Backstory: Stickee hails from the Enchanted Glade, a mystical forest where fantastical creatures thrive. They left their home in search of new adventures and the opportunity to meet creatures from other realms. Along their journey, they've formed close bonds with various companions and encountered challenges that have helped them grow as an individual.

Favorite Activities: Stickee's favorite activities include exploring hidden nooks and crannies, playing pranks on friends (always in good spirits), collecting colorful and shiny trinkets, and sharing stories around a campfire with newfound companions.

Quote: "I may be small, but my adventures are larger than life!"

Role in Stories: Stickee can be a central character in stories that revolve around exploration, friendship, and the joy of discovery. Whether embarking on a quest to solve a mystery or simply brightening the day of those they meet, Stickee's cheerful and inquisitive nature makes them a memorable and endearing character in any tale.



Next up

found some stuff

I ordered a peppino and noise plush last monday and it's coming tomorrow.

I renamed some of my apps and games, their names represent what I think of them.

with the power of steam stuff, you can add non-steam games like raldi's drackhouse to your steam library.

Comment for help if you want to do stuff like this.


You played it with what?

I just verified my tf2 account! I am now an official tf2 player, by that I mean I'm a premium user.

this is definitely a minecraft build, also, the warden is frikin spooky #minecraftbuild #mostfearedmob

Just realized I'm getting pretty close to 200 followers, so follow me if the meme above is funny or smth.