1 year ago

check article, these are S0TA's artworks.

@_S0TA_ 's all posts are gone for some reason. I hope that people might have some of those artworks saved, it's a damn loss if even those are taken away from us. Let me share the little that I have from her posts.
This is all S0TA's art.

Memorial by @-Asriel-Dremmurr-

The quote picture was from one of her older posts. I wanted to save it, so now I luckily have it. This picture was deleted from the post, though now all of the posts are gone.

It may not surprise that I saved the art she did for me, her last art I also ofc had saved... I wish I would have more of those.
Guys, do you have anything saved?

@gamejolt , any idea why her every post is gone?

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@PhantomDestroyer000 's OC's phases 1-3 + Assassin ver


edit: Just ended up using instance_create_depth instead

sketch about Dreamtale even if I should focus onto requests lol

was vibing to music and wanted to draw Night but idea flowed


lil ramble about the art in article


[ Sudden Changes Sans (feat Frisk!1!!) ]

Messy sketches (finishing later? I'm trying to do homework but ideas...)

[article for a little more text]

(post cuz boredom, might remove later)

It's a snowy day outside

* It's shining somewhere else * https://gamejolt.com/p/it-s-a-beautiful-day-outside-literally-cj…

Undertale Chara - Fall

Undertale Yellow - Ceroba - A Mother's Love

I was going to practise drawing hands but ended up drawing these


Request art for @A-RodTheGreat of his SwapSwap LB take: The Crucial Incident Phase 2: Defiance of Fate