PROJECT - Reality [Undertale Fangame]
4 years ago

🎄Christmas DEVLOG!🎄

Hello, everyone! Crossbones here, with some progress! I am very glad to annouce that we will be switching engines. We are now using Gamemaker Studio 2, instead of Gamemaker Studio. Also, Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a great holiday. Without further to do, let the devlog begin!

General Progress.

At this rate, the demo is around 20 percent done. We're aiming to release the demo next year, but anything could happen.

We are also updating a few things, such as:

â—‹ Fred Encounter: Fred's encounter is currently being remade, to be more original.

â—‹ The intro slides: We are still doing the intro slides, but we should be done shortly.

â—‹ Sprites: The Papyrus sprite has been slightly updated, along with the savepoints.

â—‹ Name Selection and Menu: The name selection AND menu have been updated!

â—‹ Tilesets: Added a few new rooms.

â—‹ Fight Buttons: Re-made the fight buttons.

â—‹ Dogs: yes.

â—‹ Demo Soundtrack: 15/36completed.


Old Savepoint -


New Savepoint -


I found that blue would be a better color for the savepoint, since yellow is quite bland.


(I'll be uploading some of the tracks soon.)

Coding Progress!

As I said earlier, we have switched from GMS1 to GMS2. Therefore, we will have to code everything from scratch. But not too worry, this gives us a chance to start over, and improve things such as:

Discord Rich Presence:


We have once again updated the Rich Presence!

There will also be an option to enable Rich Presence!


We also now have a Dogcheck feature!:


(Here is the Youtube version.)

And lastly...


Don't mind this. Everything is fine.

(I have also fixed the Discord Server Invite:

Introducing UnderEvent!

UnderEvent is an event that showcases mutiple fangames, including Turned Reality. I highly recommend you to check it out, it is very interesting.




That's all, I hope you enjoyed this progress report, and happy holidays!!!


(Art by @FlorescentlyArtistic, go follow him!!!)




Next up


Offical Devlog #3! We reached 400 views! For celebration we have our first overworld sprite! Rosseta she is the Chief of The Royal Fire Department! She is a mushroom who is willing to take a human's soul!

hello guys do you like my art

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

Updated the description with these images. Credits to @ItsKyo for making them!


Gamejolt Revamp + Progress Report

Hello guys! As you can see I have revamped the gamejolt with a new header! We have also finished the demo OST! And we have a community!

Until next time!!! Bye!!!!!!!

Note: (The frisk sprite will be changed)