Cityscape's first conceptual demo has reached a state where I think I'll release it in the coming months. I don't know when, maybe around October, but it'll come out when it's ready.
I'd like to state that the full game's release is entirely dependant on performance of the showcase. If you like what you see, leave a like once it's out. Game followers and likes will decide the fate of the full game.
I'm planning on doing milestones, for example, at 1000 likes/followers the demo will be revamped entirely, at 5000 I'll release the soundtrack on locations like SoundCloud or Bandcamp, and at 10000 I'll confirm the full game and start development.
For now, let's see how things go. I'll update you on the state of the demo every now and then, and even show development screenshots or concept sketches.
Have a great day!