2 days ago

Clownputer's invitation didn't work out quite well...



Next up

"Hey sir, can I get your order?"

- Abstract Delivery Guy

Some abstract art, I made using both GIMP and Krita.

So, it isn't a big deal.

Oh dear, it looks like Mr. Smiles' smile is upside down today.

Well, some sprites are ready for the game

#pizzatower #fangame

A sneak peak of Doodler's sprites.

I have outlined my hand-drawn sprites in pen, and WOW, does that look good despite the inconsistency in the teeth?

A showcase of a certain mechanic which is the reason why it'll be for older audiences.

I also had developer rage because of the crashes.

New logo for my project

#pizzatower #fangame #pixelart


What you're seeing here is my concept for a fake Pepperman called 'Ceci n'est pas une Pepper' which is you guessed it, a play on the writing on the caption in The Treachery of Images 'Ceci n'est pas une pipe'.