11 days ago

CNiC [Cloudy Night in Curse] All characters

Still in progress

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Character Names And Their Descriptions

all of this is fictional, dont take this seriously

  1. MASKLE - a Bit Psycho, a bit sad, It is inspired by a Brazilian urban legend of the sack man [Homem do Saco in portuguese] hes sad because he becomed a monster that was the character that he acted from the a unknown mexican childrens series that every character here was acting.

  2. CRAYFLIEY - its a lizard halfed mosquito that has a ink in front of the lizard face and it takes up half of his face, his personality is kind of bored and calm, hes addicted to coffe even if he drinks it too much in his life.

  3. DROSHY - he is a transparent jelly frog that loves to eat, he dont like eating jellies because its his own species, hes scared of small rooms, Its because he has claustrophobia, he had a power that can catch the others far away with his tongue and can change the size of the mouth.

  4. MR. TOASTYR - an man with much class, its a old man with a cute appearance, he doenst open the eyes becuz hes blind, and if he open the eyes it will have a weird look, even he walking to random rooms he will know every location of people he wants to see.



Next up

Droshy and Lerftry

Lerftry [Sec one] its lookin kinda bad so i gonna remake it sometime or some day

UPDATE: Remaked it and the third one is the old one

Random Drawing and the Second to Fifth are for a new ONaF fangame

[Cloudy Night in Curse]

Translation: sucking ham sandwich

Fun fact: hes a mosquito

Drawings for projects and fanarts


Join the Cloudy Night in Curse Community


Bro pls follow it i need more succesfull communities too

Happy late garlectines day

Lov yaull heres a old drawing


Third one is the player if he was an Creature, in my opnion this is the coolest OC of the year

OC Name: Lerftry

Update: its from a new fangame

Blam Jumpscare

WIP office, drawings and leaks

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