Strange Times At Blink's

4 years ago

Collector is here!

Collector will slowly move through the basement floor and go the electrical room, to stop him turn on the tv in front of you and place a audio lure to make him leave. If he gets to electrical he will mess with stuff in your office.



Next up

"Thanks for coming back man! I know it's kinda hard because, of your history."

Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry I haven't been posting a lot I have been busy with school and stuff, but I will show you all the characters that are done so far. Have a good day!

Something old...but its nothing new


"We found a lot of new stuff man! People are gonna love it!"

Model By:

The game has now hit beta!! Which means the game is basically 95% DONE! Now all I need to do is send it to testers, adjust accordingly and we are done! Shooting for a late April release!!

That's right! Blink is of course the first character to be put into the game. His mechanic is easy.

Blink will appear in your room at random, if he is on the left side of your office shock him, if he is on the right side turn of your lights. Whos next?

It's beautiful

"Welcome back to Fazbear's Fright!" The map is done! I can make a game now!

Strange Times At Blinks is almost done! I'm shooting for a release date of late September or early October! With that all said here is a image of the extras menu.