Hello there! This is my third game here on GameJolt, and my third decent game made using GameMaker: Studio 1.4. For this game, I wanted to be able to share my progress while I progress. Mainly because I’m slowly but surely becoming more confident in my skills! ^^
The time frame I have for this is ideally one month, but I’ve given myself an extra week, so 5 weeks. The main reason why I gave some extra time, is because this is a bit more of a complex game than my last two. It has a little story, puzzle elements, and cutscenes. Also thought about using shaders, buuut not sure. I have no clue how those work. >w>
So! How about we get on with Week #1!
April 5th: After a day or two of minimal planning, I created the game file & project in GameMaker. I had a general idea of how I would start, working with placeholders to perfect the gameplay. The Point & Click movement was fairly simple to implement, done in one day.
Also worked on some sprites for the game. Since it’s a P&C adventure, it’s graphics heavy. So simply style it is, with 16 colours!

April 6th: Collisions! Colissions? Collissions? HOW DO YOU SPELL- //ahem// Worked on collisions on this day. It was a little challenging, I faced some weird bugs. But I managed to fix them… enough. Collisions are still a little bit wonky. Also attempted to get carrying items functioning, but no luck.
April 8th: Skipping the 7th because I didn’t do much that day! Thanks to a kind person on the GameMaker Community forums, got my pick-up items working, and a rough drop-item function working too. So I got to go to sleep that night feeling quite accomplished. Nothing worse than going to sleep when there’s something that just won’t work. XD
April 9th: Spent almost the whole day (8 hours) getting the correct sprite to show when moving. Had a heck of a time doing so, but after some research and trail/error, I managed to make a nifty script I will most likely use in the future!
Well, that is week #1 down: Let’s see what progress we can make in week # 2! ☺ Thank you so much for reading! I’ll hopefully have much more to show you all after this week.