7 months ago

Concept art shop for Angry birds chaos



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Cubby fox is usually platformer,in 8 bit and 16 bit style.

Sonic meme translated in russian language

I’m not above mobile game covers 😂 Great LIVE stream request by @batat #AngryBirds #WiseDrums

Народ,по поводу игры про Вилли,игра активно разрабатывается ко мне присоединился художник законик комару и сообщество Вилли(короче игра будет для всех и для него имбой)

This was part of an Angry Birds collab I did with the Dessert Network 😋 https://youtu.be/Dd9eULThPI8

Made these cake toppers years ago so the vid is a bit blurry, but they look super cool, they're simple to make and, as long as you don't mind eating large quantities of sugar, 100% edible as well 🥳
