...government is issuing a twisted form of population control.
Concussion has yet to give a reason for his disappearances.
Concussion is known to disappear for days at a time.
During this time, around 20+ people either are found deceased or are never seen again.
Some speculate that a psycho serial killer is on the loose, other think that the government...
...government is issuing a twisted form of population control.
Concussion has yet to give a reason for his disappearances.
oldest to newest
first image is David
second is my tag
third is a tree
third is a tree
third is a tree
fourth is
another picture taken of anomaly X
my boy GOLD dripping (WIP)
alright so basically I made this for my band because we needed a logo
digital version coming someday soon
g e t r e a d y
some of my favourite rappers
imo tecca is the best
yes I know I did ken dirty