Reboot for Marcos Restaurant

6 months ago

Conociendo a los integrantes:

-Marcos Mcwolf (le gusta cantar y la cocina)
-MAGI-Magnolia A. la Gata I.- (le gusta los trucos de magia, la moda y el helado de Arándano)
-Capitán Scratch (Un pirata malvado que siempre intentará arruinarles el día a la banda principal, esta en búsqueda de la legendaria Hamburguesa pirata)
-Banni el Conejo (le gustan los videojuegos y las donas)



Next up

yay 100 follows!

Last RUC update post cancellation


This was going to be the game intro and I'm not even Joking, I had this idea and I'm proud of it


Related to my previous post here some stuff related to that "Welcome to Sonic's"

so to continue with more cancelled games here's a peculiar one I wasn't sure about it's cancelation , the name is Yoshi And friends new age (formerly called FnaY 2 fan game)

oh also take some stuff from the cancelled game Five Nights at Sonic's Ring's Ultimate Chaos

Progress so far, Vini offered to help with a couple things while I search for the main coder

una pequeña actualización al backstage