4 years ago

Contest ended! (Results)

First, Thanks to all (three) people who participated, anyways, let's move on

3rd: @r9ostdkgvuusf0vd9k


Gaming is pog so you get 3rd place B)

2nd: @Fobi


I really love how you did Diego

Honorable Mentions:

There's none, since no one else participated so uh

monkey B)

1st: @Mouzilla


This is truly amazing, I really love how you did both!
(Also Smug Diego is cool so that's another reason why you get 1st place)

Thank you for participating all!
I'll give the shoutouts, fan art and other special prizes later, but for now, I'll have to go to work in DBO 3 so bye!
(also sorry for ping don't kill me please :((((.)



Next up

Gijinkafied the Flaming Cupcakes

ao kun!

For those wondering, I did give up but I still wanted to post the final version, I might come back to it some day though!

Have you ever wanted to live in a huge mansion with around 50+ rooms all for yourself, with a pool, a 6 star restaurant, a nearby mall with over 100 stores and a statue of the best hero in the entire world?



Pingu is pissed

( characters by @MarioYoshi7 )

One of my first games, might as well remake it

24 Characters. Choose who is your favorite! (Names on comments)

Diego Kart! This will probably be used for the title screen or smth.

Can't be Diego Kart without a cookie car