4 days ago

Context in article

I play rec room and I have basically siblings on there but it's only me lunar and sun. blood Moon is dating lunar (my friends are comfortable with it don't attack me)

And sun is a simp for eclipse (again don't attack me)

And they made me (Moon) Date cloudy a whole other animatronic anyway back to the point

We all used to play together (me bloodmoon lunar and sun) in rec room on different games and soon I stopped playing for a while due to forgetting about the game a lot happened when I came back though and when I was back i met more people and was enjoying life and then sunny got online and I was so happy then after a few weeks of school I started having mental breakdowns n stuff but sunny was there to comfort me and then I forgot about the game again. Now I don't know where my brother went..He just vanished but his account is still there waiting for him. I keep going back on to check if he ever came back. That's the only reason I play. Waiting for a notification. I'm scared of being abandoned again..

If you read all of this sorry about the trouble I just had to get it out here's a cookie 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪



Next up

I am a furry-

I have thy PNG model but I don't have an app to stream it on due to parent

I think I'm a bit obsessed with moon- (got this from a comment)

Just a little bit...Right?

More art to feed you gremlins and these characters are based off of my siblings on rec room y'all already know I'm moon and more drawings will be added on this post :pp

Both stolen from @0__AK1RA__0

Bc I feel like being a menace

That's mah voice!