Could I be leaving the Bbccs coummunity?
I might leave this coummunity because simply, I lost interest, and looking back on Bbccs, it’s not good
There’s gacha life characters, and a goonbait character ew, so I might leave the Bbccs coummunity goodbye
Next up
I’m da creator of mr creepy
This gender fluid kid absolutely despises the amount of unnecessary structures in this here school it gets to the point that he will break them WITH HIS BARE HANDS!!!!!
Guys I am friends with dreamcastnick but that doesn’t meant bbkcm is coming back, it got cancelled because people kept begging him to add some stupid characters
hey guys, just to let you know this is NOT me, I dont even have a newsground account, hopefully this acc gets deleted
Tf did he do to you mr funny
one is a pussy and the other one is a cool AF fan of the series that should be respected
this kid is a gamer and he has lost his ps2 so he will tell you to bring his ps2 to him but if you don’t give it to him in time well he may put you in a cauldron
Steven sonjohn
This man loves juice but hates events but how ever he can stop events from happening if you give him a juice bottle
before commenting or showing sympathy... PLEASE READ!!!
I drew jack cus I can, what characters should I draw next
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