Halloween: Orange Knight (Delayed until 2024)
8 months ago

Couldn't finish by this Halloween, so I'm gonna wait until next year.



Next up

That's not a mask, her face just isn't made of skin.

The 4th playable character from my Halloween game.

Mini Maggie

First NPC

Sword of the Shepherd is switching to Godot.

I'll be learning it for a few months, hopefully development will be back to where it was around October.

A small practice game might come out before then.

Might have found a new computer.

(EDIT): Never mind, it's 4 gigs of RAM and lags with nothing running.

Mandoor, Handhook, Cardoor.

The 3 main enemies of the game.

Here's what I have after 5 days of development.

I have 15 days left to finish it.

Pumpkin enemy for my Halloween game.

Here's what I have after 7 days.

13 days left.

The town scene has been started

1 week left.