3 years ago

Crazy Bundle 1 Announcement!

Hello, this is a announcement from me as apart of crazy bundle 1.

This announcement is gonna be great!

So, before i announce the mysterious thingy ma bob. heres a speech from brobgonal to prepare you for the announcement.


ok that got kinda outta hand, also yes i think 5 sharks could easily win a battle against 5 whales.

Enough distractions... I'd Kindly Present you all...

*insert drum roll here*



ok that was kinda anti-climatic.

meh whatever lol.


thanks for coming to my ted-talk of sorts.



Next up

more images were vandalized, including this one of monty gator.

some people wanna fucking watch the world burn man :[

1. yoyle cake

2. cute

3. hi

4. box



alright alright alright, hear me out(and not in the way that you think, get your mind outta da gutter. alrigth, so what if, there was a dee4 animted series, based off of these 4 shows combined. how would you feel about that?

Hello! This just in, The mod's here! Downlaod today!

man i sure do love messing with a tweet generator.

FPE RP Game Snapshots

all these snapshots were taken between (9/17) to (9/18)

Sugaku 1.2 Devlog - Mysterious Giftbox

so i tried rebooting the golden gamer channel and uhhh.... yeah that happened...