3 months ago

creating something

if you don't know what are you looking at, it's me testing lights. i tried to use the technique minecraft and terraria uses. and so far, it works! :D and it's pretty fast, now that i made gpu do it (via shaders. all the tiles are saved in bitmaps). the lights also update only when a tile is placed/broken, of course.

i would love to explain further how the game works, but i don't have time for it today. if you have any questions though, don't hesitate to ask!

anyway, goodnight

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whoever is (or are) responsible for this, thank you so much!!

i like this marker

i think this will be fun

ill be posting more soon :)


i didn't know what bg to do and how to color it, so it escalated into this

i rediscovered this marker, or whatever it is
