2 years ago

Credit to @AcSeeker for the fan art

Posting it since they haven’t yet



Next up


No characters yet, but some I'm planning to include would be Myself, Alicia, the GUIDANCE cast, Cassey from Clossure, and perhaps some others? Though I think those would have my work cut out for me lol

Might have some fun new premium stuff on the way.

Btw, what would you most like to see?

Made a silly logo for my Steam Developer page ;P

(still WIP but you can check it out here if you're interested : https://store.steampowered.com/curator/45040560-Luke-Stevens-Gam…)

Did a couple sketches last night since I had nothing else to do with the power out.

I’m sure most of you know who this is 😉

Used the first sketch as a base to improve upon.

I don't know what you think about it, but I'm pretty happy with this

Also, I had planned for her to have a hand over her face from the start, but I couldn't quite pull it off in the last one.


Alicia's hanging out on a bench on a foggy day.

She loves judge jelly but wanted to show her love for frogs as well! ^.^

Hope you enjoy

In the meantime, Pack 9 is a FUSION of the packs suggested by @HOWDIDIDOTHAT and @GrenkaDev

That's not exactly what I'd originally planned, but I think this is more fun so you'll let me get away with it

(won't you?🥺)

Live Steaming a first impressions of Debt Money and Death Book 1 demo by @CUPCAKEMANS


Check out the game for yourself : https://gamejolt.com/games/DEBTMONEYDEATH/540789


Oc: Alicia by @Lukelcs

A drawing of Alicia I attempted to do. Hopefully, it's not too bad haha.

Lemme know your thoughts :D

This month, I'm having my top 3 supporters @HOWDIDIDOTHAT @55berk69 @GrenkaDev decide which LEGACY STICKER PACK to bring back for June!

I want each one of you to pick three packs you'd like to come back in the comments.