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Here you have the presentation of the members of ONaF Legacy in the style of the credits of ONaF 3, credits to @flumptypeluche the drawings
We are sorry for being inactive gamejolt, but we wanted to tell you that today marks one year since the ONaF Legacy group was created, thank you very much for all your support in the group.
Esp: Feliz navidad ya solo queda 1 día para diciembre
Eng: Merry Christmas, there is only 1 day left until December
I have made this page public again to upload some drawing that I was able to recover after I lost everything.
Some sketches of the ONaF Scrambled 50 logo
Blam wants to play with you...
Credits to Isaacpizza3000
The redman pixel art
Esp: Hoy es el cumpleaños del lider del grupo
Eng: Today is the birthday of the group leader
@daxter-onaf Créditos a @flumptypeluche por el cómic