3 days ago

Current apex legends mains Valkyrie and Crypto don’t know why I’m posting this just felt like it



Next up

Me and the homies you know who you are

A little pixel art I made (Beach day)

Yeah guess im crypto from apex legends now here have a Nessie meme (I DID NOT MAKE THIS)

Everything starts with a poorly made sketch... Part 2

Sheesh I’m on a pixel art rampage today (Shadow dragon egg)

APEX Legends (Genesis/SNES, 1995)

Get your gear ready for action in this WW2 multiplayer classic! Join the Airborne forces, infiltrate the enemy lines and get them from behind in a full surprise assault! Supports multitap."

A pixel art I made (Sword Of Lightning Kachi)


A small break from Project "LOG" to make a bloodhound render for fun in 5 seconds...

So I did this today an introvert bingo I guess for no apparent reason just felt like it (did not make this) here’s what I marked!