3 minutes & 20 seconds at Fredi's: Genesis (a.k.a. good god wtf is this)
4 months ago

Currently attempting to publish the .sb3 file here. If I accidentally mess up anything, I'm sorry.



Next up

*insert Goanimate - Scary sound effect*

Whatever-thly reminder that this thing will be finished someday. Delays may happen, but this son of a gun ain't gettin' shelved, unlike my previous project.

ikemen :3

For those wondering if there will be a sequel to this... Maybe, just maybe. [screenshot potentially related, but isn't the thing itself]

My unbridled powers of 'staying up 'till 11:30 {or so} PM' & 'cursed edits thanks to GIMP' have kicked in.

Who the fuck thought putting Community Posts alongside Videos on YouTube's front page was a good idea? This looks ugly as fuck; whoever decided on it should get kicked outta their job (for logal reasons, let's say that last bit was /heavyj).

Welp, the .sb3 file for this game is FINALLY out! So, if you've got access to version 3.0 of Scratch, you can now... do stuff with it!

Really huge shoutouts to @TrevorTBOI for his help.

To add onto the previous post: This is what I meant by the thing not working. The file I'd (desperately) love to share with y'all is labeled as Downloadable, but Incomplete - that's probably why it doesn't show up on the page. Still sucks tho :(