Five nights in the red universe: The attack
2 years ago

Custom night is on process



Next up

The extras have been completed!

̷-̶.̷-̸.̴-̵.̸ ̸-̶.̴-̶.̶-̸.̶ ̷-̷.̵-̵.̵-̷.̸ ̸.̴.̶.̴ ̴.̷.̴-̵.̴ ̸-̵.̴ ̵.̸-̶ ̴.̷.̴ ̴-̷.̷-̵ ̸.̴-̸.̵-̶ ̸.̷.̷ ̷-̵ ̵.̵.̴.̵ ̸/̸ ̶.̸ ̴.̴.̸.̴.̸ ̸-̶ ̶/̶ ̶.̸-̶.̸.̶ ̸-̶-̸-̵ ̸/̴ ̴.̷ ̸.̷-̷.̶ ̸-̶.̶ ̵-̶-̴.̷ ̶.̷ ̸.̵.̴.̶-

The 5-year-old acting creep is still on me. ._.

Enjoy the demo to.. Whatever the fuck I just made.


BTW this is a show my friend made not me

So, I am now working on Night 6. However night 6 might take a while to code. Lets just say that you must be ready to put your 'pro-moves' for action.

Are you bored right now? Do you want to fight to the end to win some food? Then I have some news for you! If you click the invite, you can have a chance to compete in this OSC camp called, “HELP ME I’M STARVING!”!

Hi guys

The main menu is complete!

It's been a minute. A very hot one as well. I was focusing on my life and other projects, but at last, I finally gave this chapter sometime.

Silky Chapter 2: The Base is out! https://www.roblox.com/games/11953163997/Silky-Chapter-2