
          By: Jude James

As Jackson sat alone in pure silence in his home inside of Shangville his mind started to wander about where his friends and family had gone. He had woken up in his bed and heard no birds. His mother father and all 4 of his siblings where all gone. They left no trace of even existing. He sat alone and silence slowly drove him insane he started to hallucinate things, people, animals, houses, soon they became so real to him he thought they where and he lived alone talking to walls and rocks thinking they were people while the entire world was shrouded in pure uninterrupted silence.



Next up

Flash low-key tweaking 😭 😭

What tf am I doing awake 😭

Not again 😭


(I’m allergic to pizza)

I wish for the ability to manifest 20 dollar bills whenever I want.

Goodnight ladies, gentlemen, and arachnids, I shall see you once again tomorrow.