1 day ago

Damn you Bitch i thought your banned now hes back again.



Next up

THX @adelmariebonano41025 Your the greatest Pal ever i am so happy rn and also you can have my own victory now ^w^

Done. Now Check my own pin updated :>

HAH Take that Bozo you deserved to get Banned Jocelynthewolf you get no Victory #Ripbozo

Me and my friends Chilling on Summer day vacation art ;][Pt1 and Pt2 remake/Redesign](Read article)(Pt1+Pt4) #summerday #Vacation

Welp i guess he deserves to get banned i am really Dissapointed at Maxity because i give him a last chance to stop asking GJ banning users so Rip bozo.

Ahoy there Friends Join my community so you can get my own victory you can post in my community whatever you want so good luck! ๐ŸŒ’v๐ŸŒ˜

Ah. The vote is finished so i do it :>

Me and my friends Chilling on summer day vacation art ;](PT1+PT4 Version) #Summerday #Vacation

Taking a while Remaking the Summer day vacation art pt1 plus pt2 tho :/