The Return To Freddy's Beta Recode

8 days ago

dawg it hasn't been 5 five minutes already and i get 11 followers (thanks for the 11 followers)



Next up

im gonna have to use tutorials (for game maker cuz my idiot ahh brain can't do code lol) btw new icon!

today marks the 10th anniversary of TRTF 2 (my fav game of the trtf series) anyways. Bye! - Trainfor1

im making bonnie

i am making a train (in blender)

i almost forgot about the credits, lol (somehow the art is better than the game itself. I'm talking about the banner and images)

thanks for the 24 followers


i decided to remake the fredbear. From trtf: fredbear. (btw the game is made by mrs_sugar)

(for some reasons :/)

Model Edit made by: me


Model made by: Monste-Official.