I got a lot done today, the game isn't as playable as I would've liked by now, I mean it's basically unplayable since theres a single item and a single enemy attack. BUT I spend a ton of time refining the menus and setting up infrastructure for adding more stuff. I think the key to making a game so quickly will be making sure everything is organized.
Mainly I fixed the menus so everything closes and opens in the right ways, I also added some new menus and I did a lot of work with the spawn menu. I added the buttons to spawn 7 out of the 15ish items, but I only added functionality to one.
The only working item is the Barrier, which will absorb bullets and projectiles to protect towers behind it, I haven't determined how much they'll cost but it won't be too much, they have 200 HP though and are tough to break.
I also added the first enemy attack. The enemies water attack spawns a storm which deals massive damage to electrical items. It also stuns semi electrical items like rotating turrets. It lasts 15 seconds with random spawning of the droplets.
Finally I added the main menu, which I had created for the first build but it didn't work properly, I fixed it all and made it functional.
The mobile version of the game is still really bad, I most likely won't fix it until after the game jam but I'll keep it up to date to verify all the mechanics work on it.
You can download the first 2 builds on the itch.io page at https://kojikaifu.itch.io/physics-interactive-simulation-system
If you have any suggestions lmk!