JOLLY PHASE 2 (2025)
4 months ago

day 4...

Today I haven't done anything, I took the day off, I won't even put up a community, it would be a waste of time, besides, there is nothing interesting in this post



Next up

Teaser 1

if you ask me, the body is not real, I put it so that there is an aesthetic that the head does not float


despues de casi 2 meses sin publicar nada, hoy me anime con una foto que me dio bauty de un boceto de un mapa, despues de casi 4 meses desde el lanzamiento de la pagina de jolly phase 2, ya tengo un mapa

something is comming...

It's official, it's already ending, the first teaser trailer, there will be a lot of difference with other teaser trailers, but it's the first one I've made 1/1/2024 00:00

chile time

teaser 1

I'm sorry if the quality is bad, I just started with the render program xD

devlog 2:I will try to be a little more active, here is the body of rebooted jollybee, one without smoothing and the other smoothed 2 times,see you maybe the next 5 days? goodbye

I'm sorry if I didn't send the image yesterday, here it is

the animatronic voted was Reboted Jollibee's

sorry if it's so late, the truth is that I have other things to do, but here it is, and here also the almost official logo, just need to add lights and correct one or more errors

I have some bad news about jollybee, and it is that I have just started with its model xd, but I am already advanced