11 months ago

Day two and I started to become afraid of the dirty spots here. Dad gave me 5 dollars to do the dishes, the kitchen felt gross. I felt like I was on TLC.

#summer #vacation #summervacation #cleaning #chores

It wasn't that bad, I like to picture some things better or worse to heighten the experience for myself and/or to make things sound cooler than it really was. Basically, I like to exaggerate, I'm a writer and exaggeration is something some writers like to do best. Simply put, saying something that's true but not completely true. I swept the floor and wiped the stove, I saw them as something dirty that needed to be dealt with now.

I can be a messy person sometimes, I might not care where things go and how I live. Otherwise, I might be very organized and orderly. But there's a difference between being messy and dirty. I didn't even care about the 5 dollars anymore, this was personal.

I'm so my mom right now.



Next up

Happy birthday, to me! Charcoal and Clawson were gifted Mickey Mouse dolls to celebrate Mickey Mouse's entrance into the public domain. #mickeymouse #rabbit #cat #rabbit #birthday #birthdaycard

I drew a picture of Bacchus from Disney's Fantasia. Fantasia is one of my favorite animated films. I decided to draw something human.

#Disney #Fantasia #Greek #God #Bacchus #Roman #Fanart

#Magik #Xmen #Marvel

I made a drawing of Magik because I watched the live-action New Mutants some time ago and became fascinated with Magik.

This was part of a collection of drawings I made on paper that I digitized. I decided to post this despite it being the only one fully finished.

This is Pogo Possum, he's a public-domain comic character created by Walt Kelly. #possum #fanart #publicdomain

#Plok #TinyToonAdventures #AthenaP #Harveybeaks #Jellystone

Dizzy Devil is a cute one.

Plok because the music is phenomenal!

Athena P is a good YouTuber.

Drooper because I find him cute.

Snorky is a ghost.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

A drawing I made for one of my art friends. I drew one of his characters for the first time in a long time. The character I drew before him was Journey. I gave him a Green Lantern shirt because he likes the color green. #GreenLantern #green #human

I completed a new set of random drawings. This includes a very important political message. #ReleaseCoyoteVsAcme #ReleaseCoyoteVAcme #SaveCoyoteVsAcme #LeakCoyoteVsAcme #FIREDAVIDZASLAV #Possum #dragon #dog #Muttley #Duck #FanArtFriday #fanart

This comic briefly explains how Bacchus the bear became a demi-god. He was blessed by the real god to be an extension of his will. He's still mortal though. I experimented with new brushes.

#comicstrip #comic #bear #god #wolf #painting

#dog #patch #fanart

Link to patch_a_loo's Instagram:https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.instagram.…

I made this drawing for patch_a_loo on Instagram. I really like his dog character. I know I've been gone for a while.